DNS server related errors

These are some of the issues which I had faced while working on the DNS server along with their solution. Kindly update me in the comment box with any other errors or problem you face

How to configure NFS server in Linux

Network File System (NFS) is used to transfer data within multiple Linux systems. These are the steps you need to follow to configure NFS server in RedHat and CentOS operating system Prerequisites Check if the

How to configure DHCP server in Linux

Dynamic Host Configuration protocol (DHCP): This server is very useful if you are running a company with multiple clients where it becomes hard to manually assign the IP address manually so you redirect the client to

How to configure YUM with Apache server in Linux

I have written new article with the steps to configure an offline yum repository using RHEL or CentOS iso image and use the same across the network using http server and to configure yum locally without

How to configure FTP server in Linux

There are many types of services available which can be used to configre FTP server in Linux. In this particular artical I will be showing you the most simple FTP server with least features. As