Forcefully Unmounting: Mount point is busy

Trying to forcefully unmount any device like NFS or CD-ROM and getting an error or 'mount point is busy' ? Error: Mount point is busy Text file is busy This is the case most of

How to Fix "192-SHA1(2)_160 pfsgroup=no-pfs"

This is a error related to openswan configuration. Once you have up and running ipsec, while trying to connect to sonicwall vpn you might get this error. Error: 002 "sonicwall" #2: initiating Quick Mode PSK+ENCRYPT+TUNNEL+UP+AGGRESSIVE+IKEv2ALLOW+SAREFTRACK

How to Fix ORA-12899: value too large

The other day I was installing Peopletools on a Linux instance when I came across this error and I am sure some body else also might get stuck at this stage so i would like