Do You Need A VPN When Running Linux?

Lately, internet users (read: everyone) are in a bit of a frenzy regarding online security. Antivirus and antimalware software is soaring in popularity. There are a million VPN apps for your smartphone (most of which

Choosing The Right VPN As A Linux User

We use Linux for many reasons. Security is just one of them, but it’s undeniable that Linux is more secure than other operating systems. Securing our data is especially important to us, since our devices

How to blacklist or disable USB module in Red Hat 7

To improve security in our environment many times we have to blacklist certain modules from getting loaded in our setup to avoid any security leak. The provided procedure is tested with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Preventing security breaches with ExecShield

ExecShield is designed to prevent security breaches caused by software programs written to crawl through the Internet looking for systems with common vulnerabilities such as worms and viruses. It is enabled in the kernel and